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2014 Cтатьи
- Mukhin, I.B, Perevezentsev, E.A., Palashov, O.V., Fabrication of composite laser elements by a new thermal diffusion bonding method, Optical Materials Express, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 266-271 (2014),
- Dmitry Zheleznov, Aleksey Starobor, Oleg Palashov, Chong Chen, and Shengming Zhou, «High-power Faraday isolators based on TAG ceramics», Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 2578-2583 (2014).
- Ryo Yasuhara, Ilya Snetkov, Alexey Starobor, Dmitry Zheleznov, Oleg Palashov, Efim Khazanov, Hoshiteru Nozawa, and Takagimi Yanagitani, “Terbium gallium garnet ceramic Faraday rotator for high-power laser application”, Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 5, pp. 1145-1148 (2014).
- I.L. Snetkov, R. Yasuhara, A. V. Starobor, and O. V. Palashov, "TGG ceramics based Faraday isolator with external compensation of thermally induced depolarization", Optics Express Vol. 22, Iss. 4, pp. 4144–4151 (2014)
- A.V. Starobor, R. Yasuhara, D.S. Zheleznov, O.V. Palashov and E.A. Khazanov, "Cryogenic Faraday Isolator Based of TGG ceramics", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics Quantum Electronics,V.50, pp.749 - 754, 2014
- Snetkov I.L., Voitovich A.V., Palashov O.V., Khazanov E.A., Review of Faraday Isolators for Kilowatt Average Power Lasers, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, V. 50, pp. 434 – 443, 2014
- D. Zheleznov, A. Starobor, O. Palashov, H. Lin, and S. Zhou, "Improving characteristics of Faraday isolators based on TAG ceramics by cerium doping," Opt. Lett. 39, 2183-2186 (2014)
- E.A. Mironov, A.V. Voitovich, A.V. Starobor and O.V. Palashov, Compensation of polarization distortions in Faraday isolators by means of magnetic field inhomogeneity, Applied Optics, Vol. 53, Iss. 16 — Jun. 1, 2014 pp: 3486–3491
- Aleksey Starobor, Dmitry Zheleznov, Oleg Palashov, Chong Chen, Shengming Zhou, and Ryo Yasuhara, Study of the properties and prospects of Ce:TAG and TGG magnetooptical ceramics for optical isolators for lasers with high average power, Optical Materials Express Vol. 4, Iss. 10, pp. 2127–2132 (2014).
- Ivan Kuznetsov, Ivan Mukhin, Dmitry Silin, Oleg Palashov, «Thermal conductivity measurements using phase-shifting interferometry», Optical Materials Express Vol. 4, Iss. 10, pp. 2204–2208 (2014).
- А. V. Starobor and O. V. Palashov "Thermally-induced depolarization in the optical elements of the transition configuration", 2014 Laser Phys.Lett., Vol. 11, p 125003 doi:10.1088/1612-2011/11/12/125003.
- E. A. Mironov and O. V. Palashov, "Faraday isolator based on TSAG crystal for high power lasers," Optics Express Vol. 22, Iss. 19, pp. 23226–23230 (2014).
- A. G. Vyatkin, "Thermally induced beam distortions in sesquioxide laser ceramics of m3 crystal class—Part I," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 50 (12), pp. 1061-1071.
- Ryo Yasuhara, Ilya Snetkov, Alexey Starobor, and Oleg Palashov “Terbium gallium garnet ceramic-based Faraday isolator with compensation of thermally induced depolarization for high-energy pulsed lasers with kilowatt average power”, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 241104 (2014) .
- S.S. Balabanov, V.E. Vaganov, E.M. Gavrishchuk, V.V. Drobotenko, D.A. Permin, A.V. Fedin, Effect of Magnesium Aluminum Isopropoxide Hydrolysis Conditions on the Properties of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Powders, Inorganic materials, Vol. 50, No. 8, pp. 830–836, 2014.
- Каримов Д.Н., Соболев Б.П., Иванов И.А., Канорский С.И., Масалов А.В. , Получение и магнитооптические свойства кубического кристалла Na0.37Tb0.63F2.26., Кристаллография, т.59, с. 788–793, 2014.
- М. Г. Иванов, Ю. Л. Копылов, В. Б. Кравченко, К. В. Лопухин, В. В. Шемет, Лазерная керамика ИАГ и Y2O3 из неагломерированных наноразмерных порошков, Неорганические материалы, 2014, том 50, № 9, с. 1028–1036.
- С.С. Балабанов, Е. М. Гаврищук, В. В. Дроботенко, А. Д. Плехович,Е. Е. Ростокина, Влияние состава исходных золей гидроксидов алюминия-иттрия на свойства порошков алюмоиттриевого граната, Неорганические материалы, том 50, № 10, с. 1114–1118, 2014.
- Kuznetsov I.I., Mukhin I.B., Silin D.E.; Vyatkin A.G.; Vadimova O.L.; Palashov O.V., Thermal Effects in End-Pumped Yb:YAG Thin-Disk and Yb:YAG/YAG Composite Active Element, IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, (Vol.50, Issue: 3), 133–140, 2014
- Перевезенцев Е.А., Мухин И.Б., Кузнецов И.И., Вадимова О.Л., Палашов О.В., Криогенный дисковый Yb:YAG-лазер с выходным импульсом наносекундной длительности // Квантовая электроника, v.44, №5, p.448-451, 2014.